Giving Glean access to your microphone

Glean needs permission to use your device’s microphone to record audio.

This article explains how to allow mic access on Google Chrome.

Allowing Mic Access

The first time you press the record button, you’ll be prompted to allow microphone access. When prompted, choose Allow. wants to use your microphone. Allow. Block.

Unable to Record

If you have accidentally blocked access to your microphone, or you see an Unable To Record message, you will need to enable microphone permissions in your browser settings.

Image showing the Unable to Record message, prompting to enable microphone permissions

There are 2 ways to do this:

Solution 1: Manage Permissions from the Address Bar

If a "blocked camera" symbol appears at the end of your browser's address bar, click on it to manage permissions.

Select ‘Always allow to access your microphone’, then click Done.

You should now be able to record!

GIF showing allowing Chrome to use the microphone

Solution 2: Manage Permissions under Settings

Open the Chrome menu (three vertical dots) in the top right of the browser window, then select Settings.

Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Advanced.

Under "Privacy and security", click Site Settings.

Click Microphone.

You should see listed - click to access Chrome permissions for Glean.

Next to “Microphone” select Allow from the dropdown.

Close Chrome settings and reload Glean - you should now be able to record!

GIF showing Chromes Settings pages enabling microphone permissions

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