Step 4 - Use Labels

This is where things get flexible! 

You can annotate audio using Quick Labels, text notes, or both - so you can work in a way that best suits your learning style. 

Don't Panic - You can add as much or as little text as you want in class - you can easily return to key points to review them at your own pace.

Add Quick Labels

Use Quick Labels to pinpoint key information in the lecture, without losing focus or needing to type.

Image showing the 3 label buttons; Heading, Important and Review.

There are 2 ways to add a Quick Label:
1. Long click: Click and hold a label with your left mouse button. After 1 second your label is added to your feed.
2. Short click: Click to select a label, then press Enter on your keyboard (or click the Post button).

GIF showing adding Labels during recording.

Top tip : If you find you mainly use Quick Labels without adding text, check out Glean's  Quick Notes  
Next - Step 5 - Add Text
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