A user can't sign in

If one of your User's is having problems accessing their Glean account. Then it's usually one of a few issues:

Wrong Email - Users often have different formats for the same email account (name@org.edu, studentnumber@org.edu, name@student.org.edu etc). Even though these might all go to the same account, only one is recognised by Glean. When signing in users have to use the exact email format that they were invited with (the one shown in your dashboard).
Wrong Password - If a user has forgotten their password then there is a link on the sign in page to reset it. Note that the user has to complete their password reset within 20 minutes.
Wrong Browser - Glean has been developed around the Chrome browser. Trying to access Glean on a different browser can cause issues. This can be a pain point for users who have their default browser set to something other than Chrome. Users should open Chrome and go to https://app.glean.co/ to sign in to their account.
Using the Invitation email to get into their account - The invite email can only be used to sign up to Glean. Once signed up the link in the email expires.  Users just need to go to https://app.glean.co/ to sign into their account.

None of the above?

If a user still cannot access their account then they should contact us direct at support@glean.co with as much detail as possible. They should contact us from the email account used for Glean, and include screenshots of any error messages that are being shown.

Important - For issues with accessing their account, users should contact us direct at support@glean.co With Data Protection we can only discuss certain account details with the actual end user.

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