Invitation not received

Our invitations are automated and incredibly reliable; it is very unlikely that an invite has not been sent out. If a user cannot find their Invite then it could be one of the following:

User cannot find the email - A user might be expecting the invite to come from your organisation account. Invite emails do mention your details, but come from Users should search their email for this address.
Incorrect email address used - If you made a mistake in the email address when you invited the user, they will never receive their invite. Use the Action menu to withdraw the invite and send a new one with the correct address.
Invite has landed in Spam/Junk folders - We use industry standard security techniques to try and make sure our emails end up in the inbox (see below). If the user cannot find their invite, then it might have ended up in their Spam or Junk folder.
Your IT department is blocking the email - We use industry standard security techniques to verify our emails. However this isn't always enough to get through your IT security. You may need to ask for emails coming from to be whitelisted (see below). You can contact for more information, or pass our contact details onto your IT team and we can advise them.

Email Security

Glean uses Industry Standard methods to verify emails; using  SPF, DKIM and DMARC to verify emails coming from us.


Our emails also come from the domain, and normally from

We've had some instances where admins and students have not received responses from the support team due to the emails being filtered into spam by security tools.

To avoid this, we would recommend asking your IT department to allowlist the Glean dedicated IP address:, as well as the domain

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