Uploading an image from your computer

Once you’ve created an Event, you can upload an image at any point - whether that’s during a lecture, or when reviewing your notes later. In each case, the process is very similar: 

Uploading images during a recording
Uploading images after class

Tip: If you want to search the web for an image then check out this article: https://help.glean.co/article/269-searching-the-web-for-an-image

Uploading images during a recording

  1. Create a new Event, give it a title and start recording. 
  2. When you reach a point where you want to record an image, select the ‘Post image’ icon. 

    Image showing the Label menu with the add Image icon highlighted

  3. Select Import

    Image showing the post image modal, with Import highlighted.

  4. From the file explorer, find and select the image you want to add.
  5. And that’s it! Your selected image will appear in your Event Feed at the point you uploaded it. 

Uploading images after class

  1. Open the Event you want to add an image to
  2. Navigate to the part of the lecture where you want to upload an image. 
  3. Select the ‘Post Image’ button.

    Image showing the Label menu with the add Image icon highlighted

  4. Select Import

    Image showing the post image modal, with Import highlighted.

  5. From the file explorer, find and select the image you want to add. 
  6. Voila! Your selected image will appear in your Event Feed at the desired point.

Tip: If you want to adjust the audio boundaries associated with the Image Card, simply select the image and click on the time stamp for the image. You can then easily adjust the start and end point of this note.

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