Glean Mobile - Tasks

Task Cards replace the previous label system. Tasks can now be marked as complete, to help you manage your workload.

Creating Tasks
Managing Tasks


Creating Tasks

To create a Task while you record:

  1. Press the up chevron icon

    Image showing the Chevron icon in the note box

  2. Select the Task card

    Image showing the Chevron menu with Task highlighted

  3. Add your task

    GIF showing adding a task

Top Tip - You can use the Task check box to tick off the tasks that you have completed.

GIF showing marking a task as complete


Managing Tasks

From the Home Screen you can view and manage all your tasks. Simply click the task button or swipe right-to-left to move to the Task screen.

Image showing the task tab at the bottom of the Event List page

From the Task screen click on any task to be taken to the right Event, or mark any of your tasks as complete by clicking the check box.

Image showing the task tab

To see your completed tasks, scroll to the bottom of the list and select 'View Completed Tasks'

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