Glean Mobile - Images

A picture is worth a thousand words, or so the saying goes. While we’re not sure if that’s always the case, we do know that you can’t always capture all the information you want from a lecture through text notes and slides alone. 

That’s why we’ve developed Image Cards. 

Image Cards enable you to supplement your notes with photos from your Camera Roll, or simply by using the camera itself.

Using your Camera to add a photo
Inserting a photo from your Camera Roll

Using your Camera to add a photo

Use the camera icon on screen to quickly take a photo and add that to your feed.

Image showing the camera icon in the note box

  1. Press the camera icon
  2. Take your photo
  3. Select Use Photo

GIF showing adding a photograph

Inserting a photo from your Camera Roll
  1. Click the up chevron

    Image showing the chevron icon

  2. Choose to add an Image card

    Image showing the chevron menu with Image highlighted

  3. Select the Image that you want to add

    GIF showing adding an image from the camera roll

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