How do I send a copy of an Event to another user?

Important #1 - This option is only available on certain institution accounts, and needs to be enabled by your Glean Administrator.

You can share a copy of a Glean Event with another Glean User. When you do this you each have your own copy of the Event. Any new changes that you make to the Event are not shared with the other user.

Info - This feature does not allow collaborative working. Each user has their own unique copy of the Event. And further changes you make to the Event are not shared.

To send a copy:

  1. Locate your Event in your list of Events
  2. Click the three dots to the right
  3. Select Send a Copy

    (If you don't see this option then this has not been enabled on your account)

    Image showing the Event menu with an arrow pointing to Send a copy

  4. Enter the email address of the person you want to share your Event with:

    Image showing a dialog box where you can enter an email address to send the Event to the recipient

That's it - an email will be sent to the recipient for them to add a copy of the Event to their Glean account.

Important #2 - Your account might limit Event sharing so that you can only share Events with other users on the same Organisation account. You will not be told that the chosen recipient can (or can't) access the Event.

To Receive a copy

You'll receive an email from Glean with a link to download the Event. Simply click the link to add the Event to your own Glean account. 

You will need a Glean account of your own, to be able to open the link.

Important #3 - If sharing is limited to users on the same Organisation account, and you are not on that account, then you will still receive an email, but you will not be authorised to open the link.

Image showing the email a person gets when an event has been shared with them.

Admins Only - How to Enable Sharing

If you are part of our Glean for Education plan then you will have the option to enable the sharing controls (these are not enabled by default). 

  1. Sign into your Glean Admin Portal
  2. Click the Account button in the top right
  3. Under Sharing Controls, you can enable Sharing
  4. You can choose whether to limit sharing to within your organisation (or not)

    Image showing Admin Options where you can enable sharing on the Org account

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