Glean Mobile - Slides

The Glean Mobile app allows you to work with slides (PDF and PowerPoint) in exactly the same way you do when using Glean on a computer.

  1. Import Slides
  2. Post Slides
  3. Replace Slides
  4. Delete Slides

Import Slides

Info: PDF files can be imported without an internet connection, however you need to be online to import PowerPoint files.

  1. Open or Create an Event
  2. Click import Slides or Use the three dot menu and choose Import Slides
  3. Select your PDF or PowerPoint file

GIF showing creating a new Event and importing slides

Post Slides

  1. Import your slides (see above)
  2. Start Recording
  3. Your first slide is automatically posted to your feed
  4. Click 'Post Next Slide' to continue to add your slides
  5. You can also use the arrows to pick a different slide to post

GIF showing starting recording and posting slides

Replace Slides

You can swap in a new set of slides into your Glean Event. This is great if your lecturer sends out an updated slide deck after your class, or you accidentally pick the wrong set of slides to import.

The slide deck associated with your project is replaced entirely, and your feed updated with the new slides. If you skipped, or posted slides out of order, then the same will be done with the new slide deck.

  1. Click the three dots in the top right of your Event
  2. Select Replace Slides
  3. Pick your new file
  4. Confirm by clicking Replace Slides

Image showing the Event Menu with Replace Slides Highlighted

Delete Slides

If you simply want to remove all your slides, so that you can start over, then use the Delete Slides option. Using this option removes all your slides from the entire project, but keeps all your other content.

  1. Click the three dots in the top right of your Event
  2. Select Delete Slides
  3. Confirm by clicking Delete Slides

Image showing the Event Menu with Delete Slides Highlighted

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