Merge Accounts

You can now merge one Glean account into another, consolidating the content you've created in one place.

This is useful if you've signed up for a trial account, and also accepted a Glean invite from an organisation; leaving you with two accounts under separate email addresses.

Important - The account you've merged your data from will be deleted once you've merged the accounts.

Info - If you have an ongoing personal subscription then the merge will fail, so please cancel your personal subscription first.

To merge one account into another, follow the steps below

  1. Sign in to Glean using a computer by clicking the 'Sign in' button at the top right of the sign in page:

  1. Click the account icon:

Image showing Gleans toolbar with the Account icon highlighted

  1. Click your name to view your account details

Image showing Gleans account menu

  1. Switch to the Settings Tab then select "Learn more about merging my accounts"

Image showing the Account Settings Tab with Merge Account

  1. Type your password into the box and click continue:

Image showing the merge account process with a prompt to enter your password

  1. Now it's time to submit the email address linked to the Glean account you want to merge your data from:

Image showing the account merge process with a prompt to enter the email address for the other Glean account

At this point you'll see the following message:

Image showing the confirmation message that a verification email has been sent to verify the account.

  1. Check your inbox for the email and complete the final part of the merge:

Info - If your merge fails for any reason then reach out to and we'll be able to assist you.

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