Glean Mobile - Scribble

Scribble will allow you to create an Image Card with hand drawn notes.

GIF showing the Scribble tools

On this page:

  1. Getting Started
  2. The Canvas
  3. Scribble Toolbar
  4. FAQ

Getting Started:

  1. Create a new Event and start recording
  2. Click the Chevron at the bottom right of your Event

    Image showing the Chevron icon

  3. Select Scribble

    Image showing the chevron icon with Scribble highlighted

  4. Add your scribbles (see below)
  5. Click the Post button to post the scribble to your feed

    Image showing the post button

The Canvas:

You can use two fingers to pinch zoom and to move the canvas.

You can also use the View box, to change the zoom setting.

Image showing the zoom button

You can delete the entire scribble by clicking the three dot menu and then select delete

Image showing the Scribble Options menu with an arrow pointing to delete

Using the ellipsis (three dot) button you can enable a grid on your canvas and/or snap your scribbles to line up with other shapes:

Image showing the Scribble Options menu

Scribble Tool Bar

The tool bar is shown on the left of your Canvas with 7 different tools available, plus undo and redo buttons.

Image showing the different scribble tools available

  1. Selection Tool - Select parts of your scribble so that you can move them around your canvas.
  2. View tool - Move your canvas, without affecting any of your scribbles.
  3. Pen - Used to draw solid lines
  4. Highlighter - Used to draw wider transparent lines
  5. Shape Tool - Used to draw shapes. Rectangles, circles, triangles, arrows and lines

    Image showing the Shape tool expanded

  6. Eraser - Delete individual annotations
  7. Colour Picker - Select a different colour for your Pen, Highlighter, or Shape and set your line thickness

    Image showing the Colour picker expanded

  8. Undo / Redo


Can I use a stylus like the Apple Pencil?

Yes you can use a stylus to add your Scribbles (or just your finger). Please note that we don't currently support advanced features, like palm rejection.

Can I annotate slides and images?

Not yet. Right now you can only add your scribbles onto a blank canvas. Annotating slides will hopefully come in a future update.

Can I use Scribble when using Glean on my computer?

Yes you can. Check out this article for more details:

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