Inviting Admins

You can invite extra Admins to help manage your Glean account. Admin accounts don't count towards the number of users you can have, so add as many as required.

Important - All Admins have full access to your dashboard and can send invites, set expiry dates etc for all users on your account (including you).

Inviting Admins is the same as inviting a normal user; you just need to give them the Admin Role by ticking the 'Make Administrator' checkbox:

Image showing the Make Administrator check box

To invite an Admin user to Glean, select Invite Users:

Image showing the Invite users button.

  1. Enter the user's email address
  2. (optional) Enter the user's name1
  3. (optional) Set an expiry date2 for the user
  4. Tick the 'Make Administrator' tick box 
  5. Click Invite User to instantly send an email invite

1  A name is not required to invite a user, but may be useful for managing invites. The user will have the option to add their name, or edit the name entered here when they sign up.You can set an expiry date for the user's access. If you don't set a date then this will simply get set as your organisation expiry date. (You can manage user's expiry dates after they have signed up).

The invited user will immediately appear in your user list, with an "Admin" label:

Image showing an Admin user listed in the user list

An email is sent to the user, inviting them to join your Glean account as an Admin.

Once the user completes sign up, they will be signed in to your institution's Glean Admin account

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