Managing your Organisation Account Details

You have control over your own personal details as well as the Organisation account.

To View and edit these, click the account icon in the top right and select the option you need:

Image showing the Account menu expanded

  • Selecting your Institution Name (Glean College in the above screenshot) lets you edit the details for your Organisation Account
  • Selecting your Name (A Admin in the above screenshot) takes you to the Profile page and lets you edit your personal details
  • Select 'Plan Details' gives you an overview of your Glean subscription

Organisation Tab

Image showing the Organisation tab

Organisation Display Name - This is what Glean displays to users in both emails and when viewing their own account details. You should set this to a familiar name that users will recognise.
Organisation Email Contact - Emails being sent from Glean come from us (usually but we always include an organisation contact email so that users can come direct to the right address. You should set this to an email account that is actively monitored allowing you to quickly help users who get in touch.
Sign Up OptionsYou can allow users to sign up using Google Single Sign On. There's more information here:
Sharing - If you have one of our Glean for Education Subscriptions then you'll have the option to enable sharing of Glean Events between users. 


Image showing your User profile

From this tab you can change your own preferred name, and see the email address that is set on your own account (you cannot currently change your registered email address).

Plan Details

Image showing your plan details

This tab gives you an overview of the current plan for your account. If you have any questions about what is shown on this page then you should speak with your Glean Success Manager or our support team (

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