Managing Shared Collections


Shared Collections allow you to anonymously share Glean Events between Notetakers and Note Recipients. With Shared Collections, once you have set things up, you do not need to actively manage what gets shared between users.

You'll first create a Shared Collection and add users to the correct roles. Your Notetaker(s), who will use Glean to create the notes for the class. Finally the Note Recipient(s) who will be able to download a copy of that shared Event onto their own Glean account.

Image showing a Shared Collection entry

Info - Both your Notetakers and Note Recipients will need access to Glean on your institution account.  

Important - Shared Collections is a feature that is only available to our Glean for Education Customers. Please get in touch if you need more details.

On this Page:

Creating a Shared Collection
Adding and Removing Notetakers
Adding and Removing Note Recipients 

Info - Want to know what your students will experience? Check out this page:

Creating a Shared Collection

Sign into your Glean Admin Account at:

  • Switch to the Shared Collections Tab
  • Click Create Shared Collection Button

Image showing the Shared Collections Tab, with an arrow pointing to the Create Shared Collection button.

  • You'll then see the Create Shared Collection Form:

Image showing the Create Shared Collection window. Allowing you to name the collect, add notetakers, and recipients.

  • Add a name for the Shared Collection. We recommend using a standard naming convention such as Year, Course, Module eg:

Spring 23 – PHY 111 – Principles of Physics

Top Tip - To make it easier for you to keep track of your Shared Collections we recommend using a naming convention. You can use anything such as Year : Course : Module. 

  • Add your Notetaker(s) (you can leave this blank if you're waiting to recruit notetakers). You can add multiple notetakers to the same collection.
  • Add Note Recipients who need to receive the shared Collection (you can leave this blank if needed). You can add multiple users to the collection, users will not be able to see any information about who is part of the Collection. (You'll automatically get added to the collection so that you can monitor what is being shared).

Adding and Removing Notetakers to the Shared Collection

Notetakers are the users who will be doing the initial recording and note taking (eg your peer notetakers). You can add as many users to this list as required.

Info - Notetakers will need to have access to Glean through your institution account

You can add users when originally setting up the Collection (see above) or click the three dots to the left of the collection and select Edit Shared Collection to add and remove Notetakers.

Image showing the action menu with Edit Shared Collection highlighted

Important - removing a Notetaker also removes their Events from the Shared Collection, meaning they will no longer be available to students to download. See here for more detail:

Adding Note Recipients to the Shared Collection

You can add as many Note Recipients as needed to receive access to the Events in the Shared Collection. Note Recipients will have visibility of every Event in the Shared collection, but they will not be able to see any details of other users (including the original notetaker).

You can add users when originally setting up the Collection (see above) or click the three dots to the left of the collection and select Edit Shared Collection to add and remove Note Recipients from the Shared Collection.

Image showing the action menu with Edit Shared Collection highlighted

Important - Removing the Note Recipient removes their access to the Shared Collection, but Recipients will still have access to all the Events that they have already copied onto their own account. See here for more details:

Info - Want to know what your students will experience? Check out this page: ;

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