Change How Cards Are Displayed

You can change how your Cards are displayed in your Feed. You can see them in order as a list (default) or switch to Single Card View to see them one at a time.

Tip - Single Card View is great when you've created Card Groups.

By default Glean displays your cards in order, and as you playback your audio, the relevant card is highlighted.

GIF showing an Event playing back with all cards shown in the notes feed.

Changing How Cards are Displayed

You can change the view so that you only see one Card or Card Group at a time. Click the 'two arrows' icon at the top of a Card to change the view.

Image showing the two arrow icon to change how cards are displayed.

GIF showing Audi playing back in an Event with a Single Card being shown.

Tip #1 - In Single Card view, use the two arrows at the bottom of the card to skip back and forth between your Cards.

Tip #2 - You can adjust the timings for your card. See here for more details.

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