Cards and Card Groups

What is a Card?

When you add any content into your Glean Event it is created as a 'Card'. This could be a text note, image, definition, task etc. A Card is linked to a specific point of time in your audio.

You can place a single card type at any point on your timeline or group relevant cards together (Card Groups).

On this page:

Adding a New Card to a Group
Rearranging Cards in a Group
Merging Single Cards into a New Group

Tip #1 - You can change how your Cards are displayed on screen. You can view all your cards in a list (default), or see one Card at a time. See here for more details.


Adding a new Card to a Group

Create your first Label in the normal way. This could be a text note, image, definition, task etc. You can use the Important and Review Labels (if required). 

Note - The Heading Label does not allow you to create multiple cards

  • Click the 'plus' icon at the top of the first card to add additional cards to your group. You can add any type of card (excluding Headings). 
  • Click the 'plus' icon to continue adding even more cards

Image showing the notes feed with the plus icon to create a card group, highlighted

Tip #2 - Use Glean's Quick Actions to quickly add new content. Eg: type /d to add a definition.


Rearranging Cards in a Group

Hover over a card and then click and drag the double-line icon, to re-order your cards. You can drag them up and down to re-order within the group.

Image showing a card group with the re-order icon highlighted.

Important - Rearranging cards only works for Card Groups. You can either move a Card within it's existing group or to another Card Group. You cannot convert to a single card type.


Merging Single Cards into a New Group

If you have single cards that you want to bring together into a Card Group, simply drag them together using the re-ordering drag and drop icon (see above image).

Important - Once you have brought the cards together you cannot currently separate them back into separate Cards.

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