Will I lose my Events if I clear my browsing data?

Glean and site data

Glean is a web app, but it has been designed to allow you to work both online and offline

To do this, Glean saves Events locally on your device until they can be uploaded to the cloud. 

If you clear browsing data or site data in your browser settings before your Events have been fully synced to the cloud any new recordings and notes, or changes to existing Events, will be irretrievably lost. 

Clear Browsing Data options in Google Chrome:

Clear Browsing Data options in Google Chrome.

The "Clear browsing data" menu in Google Chrome provides 3 options:

1. Browsing History.

2. Cookies and other site data.

3. Cached images and files.

Clearing your browsing history and / or cached images and files should not impact your Glean Events in any way.

You should avoid clearing Cookies and other site data if you have any unsynced changes, since your Event data comes under 'other site data'.

Before clearing site data, check your connection and sync status

Always check your online connectivity and cloud sync status in Glean before clearing your browsing data.

Do not clear browsing data until Glean has synced your changes to the cloud.

You will see one of the following connectivity status icons in Glean's header bar:

Upload Complete icon in Glean's header bar. Icon is a cloud outline with a tick inside. Upload Complete
All changes have been saved and synced to the cloud - it is safe to clear website data.
Upload in Progress icon in Glean's header bar. Icon is a cloud outline with an upward facing arrow inside. Upload in Progress
Do not clear website data until the upload completes.
Offline icon in Glean's header bar. Icon is a cloud outline with a diagonal strike-through. Offline
You are offline. Any new changes to your Events cannot be synced to the cloud.
Do not clear website data if you have any Events which have unsynced changes (see "Event sync status" below). 

Event sync status

Events which have not yet been fully synced to the cloud will display a cloud symbol. 

Events with no cloud symbol have been fully synced.

Here's what you'll see if you're offline and have un-synced Events:

Image showing eh Event List with a cloud icon with a line through it next to each event

Here's what you'll see if you're online, and cloud sync is in progress:

Image showing eh Event List with a cloud icon with an up arrow next to each event

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