Licence Keys

Important - this article is not for individual users. it is for Service Providers and Distributors who purchase Glean subscriptions to 're-sell'. (eg DSA ATSP's, Access to Work suppliers etc).


Licence Keys are a way to easily provide Glean access to individuals purchasing through your company. You don't need to know the end user's details to send a Licence Key, and you won't run into problems if the user already has a Glean account.

Users who already have access to Glean can redeem a Licence and switch onto that account. And new users will be able to create a Glean account when they redeem.

To see the user's journey see here:

Info - This system will only apply to new purchase orders. If you have existing users or seats that were purchased before Licence Keys were brought in, you will still need to use the old-style system for those users or seats. Moving all your users to a Licence based system will be coming in future updates.

Important - you need to be registered with us as a supplier, to be able to purchase Licence Keys. Everyone else can purchase individual subscriptions through our website at:

How to buy?

You can purchase Licence Keys by sending a Purchase Order to

Your account will be updated and you can download a CSV file containing your licence keys, plus a URL that your customers can use, to easily redeem their Licence.

Glean Admin

Important - Please note that a Licence Key that has been sent out, but not yet redeemed should not be re-issued to a second user.

In your Admin portal, under the Licences tab, you'll see a list of all your Purchase Orders. Click the three dot menu to the left of a PO to download a CSV file containing the Licence Keys and URL.

You can then upload the CSV file to your own internal system to automate allocation to users.

Image showing Glean Admin with the Licences Tab selected

Info - Use the 'Users' tab to view and manage the old-style system.

How to use

Important - The Licence should only be redeemed by the end user. If you register the wrong email address on the account then we may not be able to change that and you would then have to purchase a new licence for the user.

Simply send the user the Licence Key and the URL - the user can then redeem the licence. The user will be able to redeem for an existing Glean account, or create a new account where needed.

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