
Update: Transcription is now available on (nearly) all Glean accounts. The only exception is for users who are part of our Glean Teams level subscription, through a University or College.

If you don't have the 'Transcribe Audio' button when viewing an Event, then you're likely on our Glean Teams subscription. You can confirm this by speaking with your Glean Admin (the person who invited you to Glean) or by contacting us at

On this page:

Getting your transcript
Working with your transcript


Getting your transcript

It's quick and easy to request a transcript.

  1. Open your Glean Event.
  2. Switch to the Transcript tab
  3. Click Transcribe Audio. 

    Image showing the Transcript Tab with an arrow pointing to Transcribe audio

  4. Pick the language being spoken in your audio (Which languages do you support?)
  5. Wait for your transcript. This should typically only take a few minutes.
  6. At this point you can go back to your Event List or even then close Glean - your transcript will continue to generate and will be available the next time you access your Event.

Info - The transcription process will take approximately 5 minutes for every hour of audio. You can go back to your Event List or even close your browser - you don't need to keep your Event open. Once you've triggered transcription everything happens in the background and your transcription will automatically download the next time you access your Event. 

If you record additional audio after you've got your transcript, then Glean will automatically get that transcribed for you.


Working with your transcript

Your transcript is shown in a separate feed. You can quickly switch between viewing your audio, or your transcription. As you play back your audio the corresponding text is highlighted, and you can post parts of the transcript to your notes feed, where you can edit the text and add further details.

Switching Views

Simply click the Transcript and Audio buttons along the top of your feed to change between seeing your audio bubbles and your transcript:

GIF showing switching between the Audio and Transcript tabs

Text Highlighting

As you play back your audio, the words in your transcript will be highlighted (along with the sentence). You can also use the arrow keys on your keyboard to quickly and easily move through the text.

GIF showing the transcript being highlighted.

Posting to your Feed

If you want to add parts of the transcript to your notes feed, highlight the text that you want to add and click the Post button.


Hold SHIFT and use thew arrow keys to highlight the words you want to post and then just press ENTER.

Top Tip - If you want to post the entire transcript to your feed so that you can print or export it, alongside your notes. Click at the very start of the text, Hold SHIFT, press the down arrow until everything is selected and then Press Enter to post to your feed.

GIF showing highlighting the transcript and posting to the notes feed

Top Tip - Glean's inbuilt search feature (available from the Event Tab) will find matches in your text transcripts.

Copying into another application

If you need your transcript in another application then you can quickly copy the whole thing to your clipboard, ready to paste into your other app.

Click the three dots in the top right and select Copy Transcript, and then use your normal paste shortcut keys to add that to your other app (CTRL+V or CMD+V)

Event Options menu with an arrow pointing to Copy Transcript

Deleting your transcript

Sometimes things don't go as planned and you might want to delete your transcript and start again. To do this click the three dots in the top right, and select Delete Transcript.

Image showing the event options menu with an arrow pointing to Delete Transcript

Regenerating your transcript

Regenerate your transcript by clicking the three dots in the top right corner and selecting 'Regenerate Transcript.' You can also change the language for the regeneration.


Can I transcribe a specific part of my audio?

At the moment it's only possible to get your whole recording transcribed. Being able to transcribe parts of your audio could be something we add as the feature evolves. If you'd like this option (or any other changes) then please let us know on

Can I transcribe languages other than English?

Yes you can. There's more information here:

What's the quality of the transcription?

The accuracy of the service is largely dependent on the quality of the recording, so if you can improve the quality of recordings (e.g. by sitting closer to your lecturer), this will in turn improve the accuracy of your transcripts.

How long does it take for the transcription to arrive?

Every hour of audio takes about 5 minutes to process. But once you've requested a transcription, you don't need to keep your Event, Glean or even Chrome open. The transcription is processed on our server and will be available the next time you access your Event.

Do I have to keep Glean open while I wait for the transcription?

You don't need to keep your Event, Glean or even Chrome open. The transcription is processed on our server and will be available the next time you access your Event. Just make sure that you go back to your Event List before closing everything.

Can I edit the transcription?

You can only edit the transcription if you post parts of the text into your Feed. If you'd like to have the option to edit the transcription direct (or see any other changes) then please let us know on

What happens if I record more audio?

If you record extra audio then Glean will automatically get that transcribed and added to your Event.

Does Glean filter out bad language?

Glean has an inbuilt profanity filter, that will replace certain words with asterisks in your transcription. The filter is applied by default, but you can quickly turn that off in Preferences. 

To toggle the filter: Click your account icon the top right, and select Preferences; you'll then have the option to turn off the Transcription Profanity Filler.

The filter simply affects how words are displayed on screen after you receive your transcription. Which means you can use the toggle to show/hide the words as needed.

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