Chrome Extensions you can use with Glean

With Glean running in your browser it allows you to use lots of different tools and applications to further enhance your Glean experience.

As well as our in-built integrations ( Bing Image Search, Wikipedia Definitions, Transcription) you can also use Chrome extensions and other applications alongside Glean.

Did you know? - Microsoft Edge is built on Chromium, so you can use all your favourite Chrome extensions in Edge (as well as Chrome) . There's help from Microsoft here


You can browse through the Chrome Extension Store at

Visual Help

Use the extensions below to configure your display to help you focus on Glean.  


Dark Reader (Dark Theme and Fonts)

You can use Glean's inbuilt Dark Mode or check out this Dark Mode extension with customisable options.  [FREE]

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Dark Reader

Dark Reader allows you to configure your Dark Mode experience. As well as Dark Mode you can create a sepia tone and adjust the default fonts used across websites. You can control the brightness, contrast, sepia levels, font and more.

Dark Mode can reduce the glare from a traditional white background. This can make it easier to read what's on screen (especially during those late night study sessions!). Dark Reader goes further allowing you to adjust the settings to meet your specific needs, including setting a sepia (yellow) tone or a grey scale tone. 

Being able to adjust the default font used on websites means that you can pick a font that you like to work with. Glean already uses a Dyslexia friendly font (Nunito Sans), but if you prefer something else then you can set it here.

Gif showing Dark Reader being used


Screen Mask (Highlighting Ruler)

A simple on-screen ruler that highlights a small strip across your screen. [FREE]

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Screen Mask

A screen mask dims your screen and then highlights a strip in-line with your mouse cursor. This allows you to focus on the parts you need to, and removes the distraction of everything else.

The Screen Mask extension allows you to adjust how tall your highlight appears on screen. You can use Screen Mask alongside the  Dark Mode extensions above.

GIF showing Screen mask being used


Tab Resize (Split-Screen Layouts)

A quick and easy way to get several tabs open on screen at once. [FREE]

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Tab Resize (Split-Screen Layouts)

Sometimes it can be a little fiddly getting two (or more) tabs open on screen at once. Tab Resize lets you quickly and easily arrange your Chrome tabs on your screen.

If you're using Glean to record your Screen Audio, then you might want to have Glean open on one side of your screen (so you can make your notes) and have your on-line content open on the other side. Tab Resize lets you quickly set this up with a click of a button.

Gif showing Tab Resize being used


Zoom Text Only (Zooms in on text and not images)

Make all the text on a website larger, without increasing the size of images or the user interface. [FREE]

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Zoom Text Only

Your computer and browser can enlarge everything on screen, but this can reduce the usability of applications as it enlarges the user interface (buttons, banners etc) as well as any images you have on screen. With the Zoom Text Only extension you can make just the text larger (or smaller) without it affecting other content.

GIF showing Zoom Text Only being used


OpenDyslexic for Chrome

Open-Dyslexic is an open sourced font created to increase readability for readers with dyslexia. [FREE]

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OpenDyslexic for Chrome

Change all the text on any website to the Open-Dyslexic font. The font has been created to help increase the readability of text for dyslexic users.

Gif showing The Open Dyslexic Font in Glean

Note taking tools

Use the extensions below to help support your note taking with Glean.


Talk&Write (Speech to Text)

An extension that provides live transcription of your audio, great if you don't have access to Glean's inbuilt transcription feature. [FREE]

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Talk&Write (Speech to Text)

The extension can be used when you want to create your own audio summaries, and add a text transcript of that to your Glean Event.

You can use this tool to create a transcript of your recording that can be added to Glean. It's best if you limit the transcript to key parts of your recording (rather than trying to transcribe everything), by only playing back specific notes.

Like with any transcription service the quality of the transcript is dependant on the quality of the audio being used.

To record a short text note and add the text to Glean:

  1. Open the Talk&Write extension
  2. Hit Record and speak your note
  3. Stop recording and click Copy 
  4. Paste the text into Glean

GIF showing talk and write being used

To transcribe part of your Glean content:

  1. Open the Talk&Write extension
  2. Hit Record
  3. Back in Glean select the note that you want transcribed
  4. Press play, to playback that note
  5. Back in the extension, stop recording and click copy
  6. Paste the text into Glean

GIF showing talk and write being used


Copyfish OCR (Text from slides)

Copyfish uses OCR (optical character recognition) to extract text from images (or anything shown on your screen). A great accompaniment to Glean's inbuilt ability to extract the text from your slides. [FREE]

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If you need to grab the text shown on screen, in an image, or any application open on your computer, you can use CopyFish OCR to grab the text. 

Note - If you simply need to grab text from a slide that you have imported into Glean then use Glean's inbuilt Post Text from Slide feature.

To use Copyfish:

  1. Open Copyfish
  2. Drag to select the are of the screen you need to capture
  3. Paste the text into Glean (by default Copyfish will add the text to your clipboard ready to paste)

GIF showing copy fish being used


Language Tool (Grammar and spelling corrections) 

A free extension that checks your spelling and grammar. [FREE, premium version available]

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Language Tool (Grammar and spelling corrections)

Language tool runs in the background and will check your spelling and Grammar as you type. It will highlight any errors and give you a separate indicator of how many errors are in a specific piece of text.

You can also quickly see all your errors in a specific section and easily work through them one by one.

GIF showing language tool being used



A free extensions that checks your spelling and Grammar, and can paraphrase or re-word sentences. [FREE, premium version available]

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The spelling and grammar check happens automatically as you type into Glean:

GIF showing Quillnot being used

To paraphrase hover over the the Quillbot icon and click the quill icon. You'll be able to pick from the options available.

GIF showing Quillnot being used

Study Strategy support


BlockSite (Blocks sites to stop you getting side tracked)

An Extension that allows you to temporarily block your access to certain websites; removing the distraction while you focus on Glean. [Block 3 sites for free, premium upgrade available]

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If you find that you get easily distracted by certain sites during your study (Facebook, TikTok etc) then you can use the BlockSite extension to temporarily block access to those sites (upto 3 sites on their free plan).

You can quickly add and remove sites to your block list, and set a schedule for when the extension is active.


Confetti Cannon

Finished your work? Celebrate with Confetti Cannon.

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Confetti Cannon

Just click the extension to fire confetti across your screen.

GIF showing Confetti Cannon being used

* About third party links

  • Please note that links to third-party websites, plug-ins and applications are provided for your convenience only.
  • Glean has no control over the content or availability of these sites. The inclusion of any links does not necessarily imply a recommendation or endorsement of third party tools by Glean.
  • Please advise us if you find any third party links to be broken or otherwise inappropriate.

Should you require support with using any third party tools, please contact the third party's own Support team, your institution's IT helpdesk, or your Glean account administrator for assistance.

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