Your Account & Profile

Account menu

The account menu lives at the top right of Glean:

Image showing Glean's tool bar with the Account Menu highlighted.

This is where you'll find:

  • Your user Profile;
  • Details of your Plan (for individual accounts) or Provider (for users with institution-provided access);
  • The option to sign out of your Glean account.

Profile details

Your profile details appear at the top of the Account menu:

Image showing Glean's Account Menu expanded.

Profile tab

Your Profile contains the following info:

Preferred Name

  • This is how your name was entered during the sign-up process. (If you were invited to Glean by your institution, your account admin may have entered your name). You can change your preferred Name; see here: Can I change the name on my account?

Registered Email

Image showing the Profile page, with the preferred name and registered email address.


If you have an individual Glean plan, you can view and manage your plan from the Account menu. Learn more here


If your Glean access is provided by your university, college, or other organization, you'll see Provider details under the Account menu. 

Learn more here

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