Glean faster with Quick Actions

With Quick Actions you can post any combination of labels and/or text notes to your feed - without taking your hands off the keyboard.

Using Quick Actions

Access Quick Actions by pressing forward slash on your keyboard.

You’ll see the list of available Quick Actions appear:

Image showing the quick actions by typing with the forward slash key

Select a label by typing the first letter (see below).
Then, press Space or Enter.

Keys Action
/h Mark your note as a heading
/i Give your note an important label
/r Give your note a review label
/t Add a Task Card
/d Add a Definition Card
/image Add an Image
/screenshot Take a Screenshot (while recording screen audio)

N.B. To apply labels with these Quick Actions, you must press Space or Enter once you've typed the label shortcut.

You can use Quick Actions to apply a label to a note at any point:

  • Before typing your note;
  • In the middle of typing;
  • At the end of your note, before posting to your feed.

Prefer to work with labels only?

With Quick Notes, you can add labels to your feed with a single click or key press.

Keen to up your productivity both in and out of class?

Get around Glean quicker with our list of handy Keyboard Shortcuts.

Using Shortcuts with Screen Readers?

Some Glean shortcuts may be different when using a screen reader.

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